InfluxDB PHP Client
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Namespaces | Classes
InfluxDB2 Namespace Reference


namespace  Model
namespace  Service


class  ApiException
class  BatchItem
class  BatchItemKey
class  Client
class  Configuration
class  DefaultApi
class  FluxColumn
class  FluxCsvParser
class  FluxCsvParserException
class  FluxQueryError
class  FluxRecord
class  FluxTable
class  HeaderSelector
class  HealthApi
class  InvokableScriptsApi
class  ObjectSerializer
class  Point
class  PointSettings
class  QueryApi
class  UdpWriter
class  Worker
class  WriteApi
class  WriteOptions
class  WritePayloadSerializer
interface  Writer
class  WriteRetry
class  WriteType

Detailed Description

OpenAPI Generator team Influx API Service No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator OpenAPI spec version: 0.1.0 Generated by: OpenAPI Generator version: 3.3.4 NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator ( Do not edit the class manually. Class FluxColumn represents a column header specification of FluxTable. Class FluxCsvParser us used to construct FluxResult from CSV. Class FluxRecord is a tuple of values. Each record in the table represents a single point in the series. InfluxDB OSS API Service The InfluxDB v2 API provides a programmatic interface for all interactions with InfluxDB. Access the InfluxDB API using the /api/v2/ endpoint. OpenAPI spec version: 2.0.0 Generated by: OpenAPI Generator version: 3.3.4 NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator ( Do not edit the class manually. Use API invokable scripts to create custom InfluxDB API endpoints that query, process, and shape data. API invokable scripts let you assign scripts to API endpoints and then execute them as standard REST operations in InfluxDB Cloud. OpenAPI Generator team Interface abstracting model access. OpenAPI Generator team The client of the InfluxDB 2.x that implement Query HTTP API endpoint. Class UdpWriter UDP Writer Requirements:Installed ext-socketsSince Influxdb 2.0+ does not support UDP protocol natively you need to install and configure Telegraf plugin: config option passed to client: udpPort. Optionally you can specify udpHost, otherwise udpHost will parsed from url option Example: $client = new InfluxDB2(["url" => "http://localhost:8086", "token" => "my-token", "bucket" => "my-bucket", "org" => "my-org", "precision" => InfluxDB2::NS, "udpPort" => 8094, ]); $writer = $client->createUdpWriter(); // Write parameter matches WriterApi, so you can write strings, Point objects, arrays $writer->write('h2o,location=west value=33i 15'); Write time series data into InfluxDB.