This repository contains the reference PHP client for the InfluxDB 2.x.
Note: Use this client library with InfluxDB 2.x and InfluxDB 1.8+ (see details). For connecting to InfluxDB 1.7 or earlier instances, use the influxdb-php client library.
- Installation
- Usage
- Creating a client
- Querying data
- Writing data
- Default Tags
- Advanced Usage
- Check the server status
- InfluxDB 1.8 API compatibility
- InfluxDB 2.x management API
- Writing via UDP
- Delete data
- Proxy and redirects
- Contributing
- License
This section contains links to the client library documentation.
The client is not hard coupled to HTTP client library like Guzzle, Buzz or something else. The client uses general abstractions (PSR-7 - HTTP messages, PSR-17 - HTTP factories, PSR-18 - HTTP client) which give you freedom to use your favorite one.
Install the library
The InfluxDB 2 client is bundled and hosted on https://packagist.org/ and can be installed with composer:
composer require influxdata/influxdb-client-php guzzlehttp/guzzle
Creating a client
Use InfluxDB2\Client
to create a client connected to a running InfluxDB 2 instance.
"url" => "http://localhost:8086",
"token" => "my-token",
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
"org" => "my-org",
"precision" =>
Client Options
Option | Description | Note | Type | Default |
url | InfluxDB server API url (e.g. http://localhost:8086) | required | String | none |
token | Token to use for the authorization | required | String | none |
bucket | Default destination bucket for writes | | String | none |
org | Default destination organization for writes | | String | none |
precision | Default precision for the unix timestamps within the body line-protocol | | String | none |
allow_redirects | Enable HTTP redirects | | bool | true |
debug | Enable verbose logging of http requests | | bool | false |
logFile | Default output for logs | | bool | php://output |
httpClient | Configured HTTP client to use for communication with InfluxDB | | Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface | none |
verifySSL | Turn on/off SSL certificate verification. Set to false to disable certificate verification. | :warning: required Guzzle HTTP client | bool | true |
timeout | Describing the number of seconds to wait while trying to connect to a server. Use 0 to wait indefinitely. | :warning: required Guzzle HTTP client | int | 10 |
proxy | specify an HTTP proxy, or an array to specify different proxies for different protocols. | :warning: required Guzzle HTTP client | string | none |
Custom HTTP client
The following code shows how to use and configure cURL HTTP client:
Install dependencies via composer
composer require influxdata/influxdb-client-php nyholm/psr7 php-http/curl-client
Configure cURL client
$curlOptions = [
$curlClient = new Http\Client\Curl\Client(
Initialize InfluxDB client
$client = new Client([
"url" => "http://localhost:8086",
"token" => "my-token",
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
"org" => "my-org",
"httpClient" => $curlClient
The result retrieved by QueryApi could be formatted as a:
- Raw query response
- Flux data structure: FluxTable, FluxColumn and FluxRecord
- Stream of FluxRecord
Query raw
Synchronously executes the Flux query and return result as unprocessed String
$this->client = new Client([
"url" => "http://localhost:8086",
"token" => "my-token",
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
"precision" => WritePrecision::NS,
"org" => "my-org",
"debug" => false
$this->queryApi = $this->client->createQueryApi();
$result = $this->queryApi->queryRaw(
'from(bucket:"my-bucket") |> range(start: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000001Z) |> last()');
Synchronous query
Synchronously executes the Flux query and return result as a Array of FluxTables
$this->client = new Client([
"url" => "http://localhost:8086",
"token" => "my-token",
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
"precision" => WritePrecision::NS,
"org" => "my-org",
"debug" => false
$this->queryApi = $this->client->createQueryApi();
$result = $this->queryApi->query(
'from(bucket:"my-bucket") |> range(start: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000001Z) |> last()');
This can then easily be encoded to JSON with json_encode
echo json_encode( $result, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ) ;
Query stream
Synchronously executes the Flux query and return stream of FluxRecord
$this->client = new Client([
"url" => "http://localhost:8086",
"token" => "my-token",
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
"precision" => WritePrecision::NS,
"org" => "my-org",
"debug" => false
$this->queryApi = $this->client->createQueryApi();
$parser = $this->queryApi->queryStream(
'from(bucket:"my-bucket") |> range(start: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000001Z) |> last()');
foreach ($parser->each() as $record)
Parameterized queries
InfluxDB Cloud supports Parameterized Queries that let you dynamically change values in a query using the InfluxDB API. Parameterized queries make Flux queries more reusable and can also be used to help prevent injection attacks.
InfluxDB Cloud inserts the params object into the Flux query as a Flux record named params
. Use dot or bracket notation to access parameters in the params
record in your Flux query. Parameterized Flux queries support only int
, float
, and string
data types. To convert the supported data types into other Flux basic data types, use Flux type conversion functions.
Parameterized query example:
:warning: Parameterized Queries are supported only in InfluxDB Cloud, currently there is no support in InfluxDB OSS.
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$url = "https://us-west-2-1.aws.cloud2.influxdata.com";
$organization = 'my-org';
$bucket = 'my-bucket';
$token = 'my-token';
$client = new Client([
"url" => $url,
"token" => $token,
"bucket" => $bucket,
"org" => $organization,
"precision" =>
"debug" => false
$writeApi = $client->createWriteApi(["writeType" => WriteType::SYNCHRONOUS]);
$queryApi = $client->createQueryApi();
$today = new DateTime("now");
$yesterday = $today->sub(new DateInterval("P1D"));
$p = new Point("temperature");
$p->addTag("location", "north")->addField("value", 60)->time($yesterday);
$parameterizedQuery = "from(bucket: params.bucketParam) |> range(start: duration(v: params.startParam))";
$query = new Query();
$query->setParams(["bucketParam" => "my-bucket", "startParam" => "-1d"]);
$tables = $queryApi->query($query);
foreach ($tables as $table) {
foreach ($table->records as $record) {
$parameterizedQuery = "from(bucket: params.bucketParam) |> range(start: time(v: params.startParam))";
$query->setParams(["bucketParam" => "my-bucket", "startParam" => $yesterday]);
$tables = $queryApi->query($query);
foreach ($tables as $table) {
foreach ($table->records as $record) {
Definition WriteType.php:6
Writing data
The WriteApi supports synchronous and batching writes into InfluxDB 2.x. In default api uses synchronous write. To enable batching you can use WriteOption.
$client =
new InfluxDB2\Client([
"url" =>
"token" =>
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
"org" => "my-org",
"precision" =>
$write_api = $client->createWriteApi();
$write_api->write('h2o,location=west value=33i 15');
The writes are processed in batches which are configurable by WriteOptions
Property | Description | Default Value |
writeType | type of write SYNCHRONOUS / BATCHING / | SYNCHRONOUS |
batchSize | the number of data point to collect in batch | 10 |
retryInterval | the number of milliseconds to retry unsuccessful write. The retry interval is "exponentially" used when the InfluxDB server does not specify "Retry-After" header. | 5000 |
jitterInterval | the number of milliseconds before the data is written increased by a random amount | 0 |
maxRetries | the number of max retries when write fails | 5 |
maxRetryDelay | maximum delay when retrying write in milliseconds | 125000 |
maxRetryTime | maximum total retry timeout in milliseconds | 180000 |
exponentialBase | the base for the exponential retry delay, the next delay is computed using random exponential backoff as a random value within the interval retryInterval * exponentialBase^(attempts-1) and retryInterval * exponentialBase^(attempts) . Example for retryInterval=5000, exponentialBase=2, maxRetryDelay=125000, total=5 Retry delays are random distributed values within the ranges of [5000-10000, 10000-20000, 20000-40000, 40000-80000, 80000-125000] | 2 |
$client = new Client(["url" => "http://localhost:8086", "token" => "my-token",
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
"org" => "my-org",
"precision" =>
$writeApi = $client->createWriteApi(
["writeType" => WriteType::BATCHING, 'batchSize' => 1000]);
foreach (range(1, 10000) as $number) {
$writeApi->write("mem,host=aws_europe,type=batch value=1i $number");
Time precision
Configure default time precision:
$client =
new InfluxDB2\Client([
"url" =>
"token" =>
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
"org" => "my-org",
"precision" => \
Configure precision per write:
"url" => "http://localhost:8086",
"token" => "my-token",
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
"org" => "my-org",
$writeApi = $client->createWriteApi();
'h2o,location=west value=33i 15', \
Allowed values for precision are:
for nanosecond
for microsecond
for millisecond
for second
Configure destination
Default bucket
and organization
destination are configured via InfluxDB2\Client
"url" => "http://localhost:8086",
"token" => "my-token",
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
but there is also possibility to override configuration per write:
$client =
new InfluxDB2\Client([
"url" =>
"token" =>
$writeApi = $client->createWriteApi();
'h2o,location=west value=33i 15', \
Data format
The data could be written as:
that is formatted as a InfluxDB's line protocol
with keys: name, tags, fields and time
- Data Point structure
of above items
"url" => "http://localhost:8086",
"token" => "my-token",
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
"org" => "my-org",
"precision" =>
$writeApi = $client->createWriteApi();
->addTag("location", "europe")
$dataArray = ['name' => 'cpu',
'tags' => ['host' => 'server_nl', 'region' => 'us'],
'fields' => ['internal' => 5, 'external' => 6],
'time' => microtime(true)];
$writeApi->write('h2o,location=west value=33i 15');
Default Tags
Sometimes is useful to store same information in every measurement e.g. hostname
, location
, customer
. The client is able to use static value, app settings or env variable as a tag value.
The expressions:
California Miner
- static value
- environment property
$this->client = new Client([
"url" => "http://localhost:8086",
"token" => "my-token",
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
"precision" => WritePrecision::NS,
"org" => "my-org",
"tags" => ['id' => '132-987-655',
'hostname' => '${env.Hostname}']
$writeApi = $this->client->createWriteApi(null, ['data_center' => '${env.data_center}']);
$writeApi->pointSettings->addDefaultTag('customer', 'California Miner');
$point = Point::measurement('h2o')
->addTag('location', 'europe')
->addField('level', 2);
Advanced Usage
Check the server status
Server availability can be checked using the $client->ping();
method. That is equivalent of the influx ping.
InfluxDB 1.8 API compatibility
InfluxDB 1.8.0 introduced forward compatibility APIs for InfluxDB 2.x. This allow you to easily move from InfluxDB 1.x to InfluxDB 2.x Cloud or open source.
The following forward compatible APIs are available:
For detail info see InfluxDB 1.8 example.
InfluxDB 2.x management API
InfluxDB 2.x API client is generated using influxdb-clients-apigen
. Sources are in InfluxDB2\Service\
and InfluxDB2\Model\
The following example shows how to use OrganizationService
and BucketService
to create a new bucket.
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$organization = 'my-org';
$bucket = 'my-bucket';
$token = 'my-token';
$client = new Client([
"url" => "http://localhost:8086",
"token" => $token,
"bucket" => $bucket,
"org" => $organization,
"precision" =>
function findMyOrg($client): ?Organization
$orgService = $client->createService(OrganizationsService::class);
$orgs = $orgService->getOrgs()->getOrgs();
foreach ($orgs as $org) {
if ($org->getName() == $client->options["org"]) {
return $org;
return null;
$bucketsService = $client->createService(BucketsService::class);
$rule = new BucketRetentionRules();
$bucketName = "example-bucket-" . microtime();
$bucketRequest = new PostBucketRequest();
$respBucket = $bucketsService->postBuckets($bucketRequest);
print $respBucket;
Definition BucketRetentionRules.php:44
Definition Organization.php:44
Definition PostBucketRequest.php:44
Definition BucketsService.php:44
Definition OrganizationsService.php:44
Writing via UDP
Sending via UDP will be useful in cases when the execution time is critical to avoid potential delays (even timeouts) in sending metrics to the InfluxDB while are problems with the database or network connectivity.
As is known, sending via UDP occurs without waiting for a response, unlike TCP (HTTP).
UDP Writer Requirements:
- Installed ext-sockets
- Since Influxdb 2.0+ does not support UDP protocol natively you need to install and configure Telegraf plugin: https://docs.influxdata.com/telegraf/v1.16/plugins/#socket_listener
- Extra config option passed to client: udpPort. Optionally you can specify udpHost, otherwise udpHost will parsed from url option
- Extra config option passed to client: ipVersion. Optionally you can specify the ip version, defaults to IPv4
$client =
new InfluxDB2\Client([
"url" =>
"token" =>
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
"org" => "my-org",
"precision" =>
"udpPort" => 8094,
"ipVersion" => 6,
$writer = $client->createUdpWriter();
$writer->write('h2o,location=west value=33i 15');
Delete data
The DefaultService.php supports deletes points from an InfluxDB bucket.
$url = 'http://localhost:8086';
$token = 'my-token';
$org = 'my-org';
$bucket = 'my-bucket';
$client = new Client([
"url" => $url,
"token" => $token,
"bucket" => $bucket,
"org" => $org,
"precision" =>
$service = $client->createService(DeleteService::class);
$predicate = new DeletePredicateRequest();
$predicate->setStart(DateTime::createFromFormat('Y', '2020'));
$predicate->setStop(new DateTime());
$predicate->setPredicate("_measurement=\"mem\" AND host=\"host1\"");
$service->postDelete($predicate, null, $org, $bucket);
Definition DeletePredicateRequest.php:45
Definition DeleteService.php:44
For more details see DeleteDataExample.php.
Proxy and redirects
You can configure InfluxDB PHP client behind a proxy in two ways:
1. Using environment variable
Set environment variable HTTP_PROXY
based on the scheme of your server url. For more info see Guzzle docs - environment Variables.
2. Configure client to use proxy via Options
You can pass a proxy
configuration when creating the client:
"url" => "http://localhost:8086",
"token" => "my-token",
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
"org" => "my-org",
"proxy" => "",
For more info see Guzzle docs - proxy.
Client automatically follows HTTP redirects. You can configure redirects behaviour by a allow_redirects
"url" => "http://localhost:8086",
"token" => "my-token",
"bucket" => "my-bucket",
"org" => "my-org",
"allow_redirects" => false,
For more info see Redirect Plugin docs - allow_redirects
Local tests
Run once to install dependencies:
Run unit & intergration tests:
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb-client-php.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.