Public Member Functions | |
__construct (DefaultApi $defaultApi) | |
deleteDashboardsID ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
deleteDashboardsIDWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
deleteDashboardsIDCellsID ($dashboard_id, $cell_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
deleteDashboardsIDCellsIDWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $cell_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
deleteDashboardsIDLabelsID ($dashboard_id, $label_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
deleteDashboardsIDLabelsIDWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $label_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
deleteDashboardsIDMembersID ($user_id, $dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
deleteDashboardsIDMembersIDWithHttpInfo ($user_id, $dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
deleteDashboardsIDOwnersID ($user_id, $dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
deleteDashboardsIDOwnersIDWithHttpInfo ($user_id, $dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
getDashboards ($zap_trace_span=null, $offset=null, $limit=20, $descending=false, $owner=null, $sort_by=null, $id=null, $org_id=null, $org=null) | |
getDashboardsWithHttpInfo ($zap_trace_span=null, $offset=null, $limit=20, $descending=false, $owner=null, $sort_by=null, $id=null, $org_id=null, $org=null) | |
getDashboardsID ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null, $include=null) | |
getDashboardsIDWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null, $include=null) | |
getDashboardsIDCellsIDView ($dashboard_id, $cell_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
getDashboardsIDCellsIDViewWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $cell_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
getDashboardsIDLabels ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
getDashboardsIDLabelsWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
getDashboardsIDMembers ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
getDashboardsIDMembersWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
getDashboardsIDOwners ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
getDashboardsIDOwnersWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
patchDashboardsID ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null, $patch_dashboard_request=null) | |
patchDashboardsIDWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null, $patch_dashboard_request=null) | |
patchDashboardsIDCellsID ($dashboard_id, $cell_id, $cell_update, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
patchDashboardsIDCellsIDWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $cell_id, $cell_update, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
patchDashboardsIDCellsIDView ($dashboard_id, $cell_id, $view, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
patchDashboardsIDCellsIDViewWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $cell_id, $view, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboards ($create_dashboard_request, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboardsWithHttpInfo ($create_dashboard_request, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboardsIDCells ($dashboard_id, $create_cell, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboardsIDCellsWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $create_cell, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboardsIDLabels ($dashboard_id, $label_mapping, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboardsIDLabelsWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $label_mapping, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboardsIDMembers ($dashboard_id, $add_resource_member_request_body, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboardsIDMembersWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $add_resource_member_request_body, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboardsIDOwners ($dashboard_id, $add_resource_member_request_body, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboardsIDOwnersWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $add_resource_member_request_body, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
putDashboardsIDCells ($dashboard_id, $cell, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
putDashboardsIDCellsWithHttpInfo ($dashboard_id, $cell, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
Protected Member Functions | |
deleteDashboardsIDRequest ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
deleteDashboardsIDCellsIDRequest ($dashboard_id, $cell_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
deleteDashboardsIDLabelsIDRequest ($dashboard_id, $label_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
deleteDashboardsIDMembersIDRequest ($user_id, $dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
deleteDashboardsIDOwnersIDRequest ($user_id, $dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
getDashboardsRequest ($zap_trace_span=null, $offset=null, $limit=20, $descending=false, $owner=null, $sort_by=null, $id=null, $org_id=null, $org=null) | |
getDashboardsIDRequest ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null, $include=null) | |
getDashboardsIDCellsIDViewRequest ($dashboard_id, $cell_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
getDashboardsIDLabelsRequest ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
getDashboardsIDMembersRequest ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
getDashboardsIDOwnersRequest ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
patchDashboardsIDRequest ($dashboard_id, $zap_trace_span=null, $patch_dashboard_request=null) | |
patchDashboardsIDCellsIDRequest ($dashboard_id, $cell_id, $cell_update, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
patchDashboardsIDCellsIDViewRequest ($dashboard_id, $cell_id, $view, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboardsRequest ($create_dashboard_request, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboardsIDCellsRequest ($dashboard_id, $create_cell, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboardsIDLabelsRequest ($dashboard_id, $label_mapping, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboardsIDMembersRequest ($dashboard_id, $add_resource_member_request_body, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
postDashboardsIDOwnersRequest ($dashboard_id, $add_resource_member_request_body, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
putDashboardsIDCellsRequest ($dashboard_id, $cell, $zap_trace_span=null) | |
Protected Attributes | |
$defaultApi | |
$headerSelector | |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::__construct | ( | DefaultApi | $defaultApi | ) |
DefaultApi | $defaultApi | |
HeaderSelector | $selector |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::deleteDashboardsID | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation deleteDashboardsID
Delete a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::deleteDashboardsIDCellsID | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$cell_id, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation deleteDashboardsIDCellsID
Delete a dashboard cell
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to delete. (required) |
string | $cell_id | The ID of the cell to delete. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'deleteDashboardsIDCellsID'
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to delete. (required) |
string | $cell_id | The ID of the cell to delete. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::deleteDashboardsIDCellsIDWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$cell_id, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation deleteDashboardsIDCellsIDWithHttpInfo
Delete a dashboard cell
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to delete. (required) |
string | $cell_id | The ID of the cell to delete. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::deleteDashboardsIDLabelsID | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$label_id, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation deleteDashboardsIDLabelsID
Delete a label from a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $label_id | The ID of the label to delete. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'deleteDashboardsIDLabelsID'
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $label_id | The ID of the label to delete. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::deleteDashboardsIDLabelsIDWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$label_id, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation deleteDashboardsIDLabelsIDWithHttpInfo
Delete a label from a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $label_id | The ID of the label to delete. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::deleteDashboardsIDMembersID | ( | $user_id, | |
$dashboard_id, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation deleteDashboardsIDMembersID
Remove a member from a dashboard
string | $user_id | The ID of the member to remove. (required) |
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'deleteDashboardsIDMembersID'
string | $user_id | The ID of the member to remove. (required) |
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::deleteDashboardsIDMembersIDWithHttpInfo | ( | $user_id, | |
$dashboard_id, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation deleteDashboardsIDMembersIDWithHttpInfo
Remove a member from a dashboard
string | $user_id | The ID of the member to remove. (required) |
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::deleteDashboardsIDOwnersID | ( | $user_id, | |
$dashboard_id, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation deleteDashboardsIDOwnersID
Remove an owner from a dashboard
string | $user_id | The ID of the owner to remove. (required) |
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'deleteDashboardsIDOwnersID'
string | $user_id | The ID of the owner to remove. (required) |
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::deleteDashboardsIDOwnersIDWithHttpInfo | ( | $user_id, | |
$dashboard_id, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation deleteDashboardsIDOwnersIDWithHttpInfo
Remove an owner from a dashboard
string | $user_id | The ID of the owner to remove. (required) |
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'deleteDashboardsID'
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::deleteDashboardsIDWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation deleteDashboardsIDWithHttpInfo
Delete a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::getDashboards | ( | $zap_trace_span = null, | |
$offset = null, | |||
$limit = 20, | |||
$descending = false, | |||
$owner = null, | |||
$sort_by = null, | |||
$id = null, | |||
$org_id = null, | |||
$org = null ) |
Operation getDashboards
List all dashboards
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
int | $offset | The offset for pagination. The number of records to skip. (optional) |
int | $limit | Limits the number of records returned. Default is `20`. (optional, default to 20) |
bool | $descending | descending (optional, default to false) |
string | $owner | A user identifier. Returns only dashboards where this user has the `owner` role. (optional) |
string | $sort_by | The column to sort by. (optional) |
string[] | $id | A list of dashboard identifiers. Returns only the listed dashboards. If both `id` and `owner` are specified, only `id` is used. (optional) |
string | $org_id | The identifier of the organization. (optional) |
string | $org | The name of the organization. (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::getDashboardsID | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$zap_trace_span = null, | |||
$include = null ) |
Operation getDashboardsID
Retrieve a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
string | $include | If `properties`, includes the cell view properties in the response. (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::getDashboardsIDCellsIDView | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$cell_id, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation getDashboardsIDCellsIDView
Retrieve the view for a cell
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $cell_id | The cell ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'getDashboardsIDCellsIDView'
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $cell_id | The cell ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::getDashboardsIDCellsIDViewWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$cell_id, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation getDashboardsIDCellsIDViewWithHttpInfo
Retrieve the view for a cell
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $cell_id | The cell ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::getDashboardsIDLabels | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation getDashboardsIDLabels
List all labels for a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'getDashboardsIDLabels'
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::getDashboardsIDLabelsWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation getDashboardsIDLabelsWithHttpInfo
List all labels for a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::getDashboardsIDMembers | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation getDashboardsIDMembers
List all dashboard members
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'getDashboardsIDMembers'
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::getDashboardsIDMembersWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation getDashboardsIDMembersWithHttpInfo
List all dashboard members
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::getDashboardsIDOwners | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation getDashboardsIDOwners
List all dashboard owners
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'getDashboardsIDOwners'
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::getDashboardsIDOwnersWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation getDashboardsIDOwnersWithHttpInfo
List all dashboard owners
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'getDashboardsID'
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
string | $include | If `properties`, includes the cell view properties in the response. (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::getDashboardsIDWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$zap_trace_span = null, | |||
$include = null ) |
Operation getDashboardsIDWithHttpInfo
Retrieve a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
string | $include | If `properties`, includes the cell view properties in the response. (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'getDashboards'
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
int | $offset | The offset for pagination. The number of records to skip. (optional) |
int | $limit | Limits the number of records returned. Default is `20`. (optional, default to 20) |
bool | $descending | (optional, default to false) |
string | $owner | A user identifier. Returns only dashboards where this user has the `owner` role. (optional) |
string | $sort_by | The column to sort by. (optional) |
string[] | $id | A list of dashboard identifiers. Returns only the listed dashboards. If both `id` and `owner` are specified, only `id` is used. (optional) |
string | $org_id | The identifier of the organization. (optional) |
string | $org | The name of the organization. (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::getDashboardsWithHttpInfo | ( | $zap_trace_span = null, | |
$offset = null, | |||
$limit = 20, | |||
$descending = false, | |||
$owner = null, | |||
$sort_by = null, | |||
$id = null, | |||
$org_id = null, | |||
$org = null ) |
Operation getDashboardsWithHttpInfo
List all dashboards
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
int | $offset | The offset for pagination. The number of records to skip. (optional) |
int | $limit | Limits the number of records returned. Default is `20`. (optional, default to 20) |
bool | $descending | (optional, default to false) |
string | $owner | A user identifier. Returns only dashboards where this user has the `owner` role. (optional) |
string | $sort_by | The column to sort by. (optional) |
string[] | $id | A list of dashboard identifiers. Returns only the listed dashboards. If both `id` and `owner` are specified, only `id` is used. (optional) |
string | $org_id | The identifier of the organization. (optional) |
string | $org | The name of the organization. (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::patchDashboardsID | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$zap_trace_span = null, | |||
$patch_dashboard_request = null ) |
Operation patchDashboardsID
Update a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\PatchDashboardRequest | $patch_dashboard_request | patch_dashboard_request (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::patchDashboardsIDCellsID | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$cell_id, | |||
$cell_update, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation patchDashboardsIDCellsID
Update the non-positional information related to a cell
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $cell_id | The ID of the cell to update. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\CellUpdate | $cell_update | cell_update (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'patchDashboardsIDCellsID'
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $cell_id | The ID of the cell to update. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\CellUpdate | $cell_update | (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::patchDashboardsIDCellsIDView | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$cell_id, | |||
$view, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation patchDashboardsIDCellsIDView
Update the view for a cell
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $cell_id | The ID of the cell to update. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\View | $view | view (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'patchDashboardsIDCellsIDView'
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $cell_id | The ID of the cell to update. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\View | $view | (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::patchDashboardsIDCellsIDViewWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$cell_id, | |||
$view, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation patchDashboardsIDCellsIDViewWithHttpInfo
Update the view for a cell
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $cell_id | The ID of the cell to update. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\View | $view | (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::patchDashboardsIDCellsIDWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$cell_id, | |||
$cell_update, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation patchDashboardsIDCellsIDWithHttpInfo
Update the non-positional information related to a cell
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $cell_id | The ID of the cell to update. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\CellUpdate | $cell_update | (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'patchDashboardsID'
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\PatchDashboardRequest | $patch_dashboard_request | (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::patchDashboardsIDWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$zap_trace_span = null, | |||
$patch_dashboard_request = null ) |
Operation patchDashboardsIDWithHttpInfo
Update a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\PatchDashboardRequest | $patch_dashboard_request | (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::postDashboards | ( | $create_dashboard_request, | |
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation postDashboards
Create a dashboard
\InfluxDB2\Model\CreateDashboardRequest | $create_dashboard_request | Dashboard to create (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::postDashboardsIDCells | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$create_cell, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation postDashboardsIDCells
Create a dashboard cell
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\CreateCell | $create_cell | Cell that will be added (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'postDashboardsIDCells'
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\CreateCell | $create_cell | Cell that will be added (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::postDashboardsIDCellsWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$create_cell, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation postDashboardsIDCellsWithHttpInfo
Create a dashboard cell
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\CreateCell | $create_cell | Cell that will be added (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::postDashboardsIDLabels | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$label_mapping, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation postDashboardsIDLabels
Add a label to a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\LabelMapping | $label_mapping | Label to add (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'postDashboardsIDLabels'
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\LabelMapping | $label_mapping | Label to add (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::postDashboardsIDLabelsWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$label_mapping, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation postDashboardsIDLabelsWithHttpInfo
Add a label to a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\LabelMapping | $label_mapping | Label to add (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::postDashboardsIDMembers | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$add_resource_member_request_body, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation postDashboardsIDMembers
Add a member to a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\AddResourceMemberRequestBody | $add_resource_member_request_body | User to add as member (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'postDashboardsIDMembers'
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\AddResourceMemberRequestBody | $add_resource_member_request_body | User to add as member (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::postDashboardsIDMembersWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$add_resource_member_request_body, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation postDashboardsIDMembersWithHttpInfo
Add a member to a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\AddResourceMemberRequestBody | $add_resource_member_request_body | User to add as member (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::postDashboardsIDOwners | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$add_resource_member_request_body, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation postDashboardsIDOwners
Add an owner to a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\AddResourceMemberRequestBody | $add_resource_member_request_body | User to add as owner (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'postDashboardsIDOwners'
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\AddResourceMemberRequestBody | $add_resource_member_request_body | User to add as owner (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::postDashboardsIDOwnersWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$add_resource_member_request_body, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation postDashboardsIDOwnersWithHttpInfo
Add an owner to a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The dashboard ID. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\AddResourceMemberRequestBody | $add_resource_member_request_body | User to add as owner (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'postDashboards'
\InfluxDB2\Model\CreateDashboardRequest | $create_dashboard_request | Dashboard to create (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::postDashboardsWithHttpInfo | ( | $create_dashboard_request, | |
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation postDashboardsWithHttpInfo
Create a dashboard
\InfluxDB2\Model\CreateDashboardRequest | $create_dashboard_request | Dashboard to create (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::putDashboardsIDCells | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$cell, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation putDashboardsIDCells
Replace cells in a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\Cell[] | $cell | cell (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response
protected |
Create request for operation 'putDashboardsIDCells'
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\Cell[] | $cell | (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\Service\DashboardsService::putDashboardsIDCellsWithHttpInfo | ( | $dashboard_id, | |
$cell, | |||
$zap_trace_span = null ) |
Operation putDashboardsIDCellsWithHttpInfo
Replace cells in a dashboard
string | $dashboard_id | The ID of the dashboard to update. (required) |
\InfluxDB2\Model\Cell[] | $cell | (required) |
string | $zap_trace_span | OpenTracing span context (optional) |
InfluxDB2\ApiException on non-2xx response