Main colors

The main color palette will cover the majority of your needs.

Main color gradient



C: 100%
M: 97%
Y: 32%
K: 49%
R: 20
G: 20
B: 69
Pantone: 2766C
C: 50%
M: 0%
Y: 18%
K: 0%
R: 94
G: 228
B: 228
Pantone: 305C
C: 1%
M: 1%
Y: 1%
K: 0%
R: 250
G: 250
B: 250
Pantone: 11-4801-TCX
C: 0%
M: 0%
Y: 0%
K: 0%
R: 255
G: 255
B: 255
Pantone: n/a

Secondary Colors

The secondary color palette provides vibrant colors to enhance the main color palette. It's intentionally brighter with a wide variety so as to be easily applied to any InfluxData brand or product.

Secondary Color Gradients





C: 57%
M: 78%
Y: 0%
K: 0%
R: 155
G: 42
B: 255
Pantone: 266C
C: 46%
M: 42%
Y: 0%
K: 0%
R: 147
G: 148
B: 255
Pantone: 271C
C: 20%
M: 0%
Y: 97%
K: 0%
R: 214
G: 246
B: 34
Pantone: 389C
C: 10%
M: 100%
Y: 14%
K: 0%
R: 211
G: 9
B: 113
Pantone: n/a