
InfluxDB 2.0 JavaScript client

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TemplateApply interface


interface TemplateApply 


| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | | — | — | — | — | | actions? | | Array<{ action?: ‘skipKind’; properties?: { kind: TemplateKind; }; } | { action?: ‘skipResource’; properties?: { kind: TemplateKind; resourceTemplateName: string; }; }> | <p>(Optional) A list of action objects. Actions let you customize how InfluxDB applies templates in the request.</p><p>You can use the following actions to prevent creating or updating resources:</p><p>- A skipKind action skips template resources of a specified kind. - A skipResource action skips template resources with a specified and kind.</p> | | dryRun? | | boolean | <p>(Optional) Only applies a dry run of the templates passed in the request.</p><p>- Validates the template and generates a resource diff and summary. - Doesn’t install templates or make changes to the InfluxDB instance.</p> | | envRefs? | | any | <p>(Optional) An object with key-value pairs that map to **environment references** in templates.</p><p>Environment references in templates are envRef objects with an envRef.key property. To substitute a custom environment reference value when applying templates, pass envRefs with the envRef.key and the value.</p><p>When you apply a template, InfluxDB replaces envRef objects in the template with the values that you provide in the envRefs parameter. For more examples, see how to define environment references.</p><p>The following template fields may use environment references:</p><p>- - spec.endpointName -</p><p>For more information about including environment references in template fields, see how to include user-definable resource names.</p> | | orgID? | | string | <p>(Optional) Organization ID. InfluxDB applies templates to this organization. The organization owns all resources created by the template.</p><p>To find your organization, see how to view organizations.</p> | | remotes? | | Array<{ url: string; contentType?: string; }> | <p>(Optional) A list of URLs for template files.</p><p>To apply a template manifest file located at a URL, pass remotes with an array that contains the URL.</p> | | secrets? | | any | <p>(Optional) An object with key-value pairs that map to **secrets** in queries.</p><p>Queries may reference secrets stored in InfluxDB–for example, the following Flux script retrieves POSTGRES_USERNAME and POSTGRES_PASSWORD secrets and then uses them to connect to a PostgreSQL database:</p>

import "sql"
import "influxdata/influxdb/secrets"

username = secrets.get(key: "POSTGRES_USERNAME")
password = secrets.get(key: "POSTGRES_PASSWORD")

  driverName: "postgres",
  dataSourceName: "postgresql://${username}:${password}@localhost:5432",
  query: "SELECT * FROM example_table",

To define secret values in your /api/v2/templates/apply request, pass the secrets parameter with key-value pairs--for example:

  "secrets": {
    "POSTGRES_USERNAME": "pguser",

InfluxDB stores the key-value pairs as secrets that you can access with secrets.get(). Once stored, you can't view secret values in InfluxDB.

\#\#\#\# Related guides

- [How to pass secrets when installing a template](

| | stackID? | | string | <p>(Optional) ID of the stack to update.</p><p>To apply templates to an existing stack in the organization, use the stackID parameter. If you apply templates without providing a stack ID, InfluxDB initializes a new stack with all new resources.</p><p>To find a stack ID, use the InfluxDB to list stacks.</p><p>#### Related guides</p><p>- Stacks - View stacks</p> | | template? | | { contentType?: string; sources?: string[]; contents?: Template; } | <p>(Optional) A template object to apply. A template object has a contents property with an array of InfluxDB resource configurations.</p><p>Pass template to apply only one template object. If you use template, you can’t use the templates parameter. If you want to apply multiple template objects, use templates instead.</p> | | templates? | | Array<{ contentType?: string; sources?: string[]; contents?: Template; }> | <p>(Optional) A list of template objects to apply. A template object has a contents property with an array of InfluxDB resource configurations.</p><p>Use the templates parameter to apply multiple template objects. If you use templates, you can’t use the template parameter.</p> |