
InfluxDB 2.0 JavaScript client

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Home > @influxdata/influxdb-client-apis > Error_2

Error_2 interface


interface Error 


Property Modifiers Type Description
code readonly ‘internal error’ | ‘not found’ | ‘conflict’ | ‘invalid’ | ‘unprocessable entity’ | ‘empty value’ | ‘unavailable’ | ‘forbidden’ | ‘too many requests’ | ‘unauthorized’ | ‘method not allowed’ | ‘request too large’ | ‘unsupported media type’ code is the machine-readable error code.
err? readonly string (Optional) Stack of errors that occurred during processing of the request. Useful for debugging.
message? readonly string (Optional) Human-readable message.
op? readonly string (Optional) Describes the logical code operation when the error occurred. Useful for debugging.