
The reference Kotlin client that allows query and write for the InfluxDB 2.x by Kotlin Channel coroutines.


Jakub Bednar (bednar@github) (07/02/2019 13:11)


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abstract override fun close()

Shutdown and close the client.

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Disable Gzip compress for http request body.

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Enable Gzip compress for http requests.

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abstract fun getLogLevel(): LogLevel

Gets the LogLevel that is used for logging requests and responses.

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Create a new Query client.

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Create a new Write client.

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abstract fun health(): HealthCheck

Get the health of an instance.

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abstract fun isGzipEnabled(): Boolean

Returns whether Gzip compress for http request body is enabled.

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abstract fun ping(): Boolean

Check the status of InfluxDB Server.

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abstract fun setLogLevel(logLevel: LogLevel): InfluxDBClientKotlin

Sets the log level for the request and response information.

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abstract fun version(): String

Returns the version of the connected InfluxDB Server.