
InfluxDB 2.0 JavaScript client

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Home > @influxdata/influxdb-client > QueryApi > collectRows

QueryApi.collectRows() method

CollectRows executes the query and collects all the results in the returned Promise. This method is suitable to collect simple results. Use with caution, a possibly huge stream of results is copied to memory.


collectRows<T>(query: string | ParameterizedQuery, rowMapper?: (values: string[], tableMeta: FluxTableMetaData) => T | undefined): Promise<Array<T>>;


Parameter Type Description
query string | ParameterizedQuery query
rowMapper (values: string[], tableMeta: FluxTableMetaData) => T | undefined (Optional) maps the supplied row to an item that is then collected, undefined return values are not collected. If no rowMapper is supplied, row => tableMeta.toObject(row.values) is used.



Promise of mapped results