
InfluxDB 2.0 JavaScript client

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Home > @influxdata/influxdb-client > InfluxDB > getWriteApi

InfluxDB.getWriteApi() method

Creates WriteApi for the supplied organization and bucket. BEWARE that returned instances must be closed in order to flush the remaining data and close already scheduled retry executions.


getWriteApi(org: string, bucket: string, precision?: WritePrecisionType, writeOptions?: Partial<WriteOptions>): WriteApi;


Parameter Type Description
org string Specifies the destination organization for writes. Takes either the ID or Name interchangeably.
bucket string The destination bucket for writes.
precision WritePrecisionType (Optional) Timestamp precision for line items.
writeOptions Partial<WriteOptions> (Optional) Custom write options.



WriteApi instance


Use WriteOptions to customize retry strategy options, data chunking and flushing options. See DEFAULT_WriteOptions to see the defaults.

See also write example, writeAdvanced example, and browser example.