Interface WriteService

public interface WriteService
  • Method Details

    • postWrite

      @Headers("Content-Type:text/plain") @POST("api/v2/write") retrofit2.Call<Void> postWrite(@Query("org") String org, @Query("bucket") String bucket, @Body String body, @Header("Zap-Trace-Span") String zapTraceSpan, @Header("Content-Encoding") String contentEncoding, @Header("Content-Type") String contentType, @Header("Content-Length") Integer contentLength, @Header("Accept") String accept, @Query("orgID") String orgID, @Query("precision") WritePrecision precision, @Query("consistency") WriteConsistency consistency)
      Write data Writes data to a bucket. To write data into InfluxDB, you need the following: - **organization name or ID** – _See [View organizations]( for instructions on viewing your organization ID._ - **bucket** – _See [View buckets]( for instructions on viewing your bucket ID._ - **API token** – _See [View tokens]( for instructions on viewing your API token._ - **InfluxDB URL** – _See [InfluxDB URLs]( - data in [line protocol]( format. InfluxDB Cloud enforces rate and size limits different from InfluxDB OSS. For details, see Responses. For more information and examples, see the following: - [Write data with the InfluxDB API]( - [Optimize writes to InfluxDB]( - [Troubleshoot issues writing data](
      org - Destination organization for writes. The database writes all points in the batch to this organization. If you provide both `orgID` and `org` parameters, `org` takes precedence. (required)
      bucket - Destination bucket for writes. (required)
      body - Data in line protocol format. (required)
      zapTraceSpan - OpenTracing span context (optional)
      contentEncoding - The value tells InfluxDB what compression is applied to the line protocol in the request payload. To make an API request with a GZIP payload, send `Content-Encoding: gzip` as a request header. (optional, default to identity)
      contentType - Format of the data in the request body. To make an API request with a line protocol payload, send `Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8` as a request header. (optional, default to text/plain; charset=utf-8)
      contentLength - Size of the entity-body, in bytes, sent to the database. If the length is greater than the database's `max body` configuration option, the server responds with status code `413`. (optional)
      accept - Content type that the client can understand. Writes only return a response body if they fail, e.g. due to a formatting problem or quota limit. #### InfluxDB Cloud - returns only `application/json` for format and limit errors. - returns only `text/html` for some quota limit errors. #### InfluxDB OSS - returns only `application/json` for format and limit errors. For more information about write errors, see how to [troubleshoot issues writing data]( (optional, default to application/json)
      orgID - ID of the destination organization for writes. If both `orgID` and `org` are specified, `org` takes precedence. (optional)
      precision - Precision for unix timestamps in the line protocol of the request payload. (optional, default to null)
      consistency - Sets the write consistency for the point. InfluxDB assumes that the write consistency is 'one' if you do not specify. Available with InfluxDB Enterprise clusters only. (optional, default to null)
    • postWriteRx

      @POST("api/v2/write") io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<retrofit2.Response<Void>> postWriteRx(@Query("org") String org, @Query("bucket") String bucket, @Body String body, @Header("Zap-Trace-Span") String zapTraceSpan, @Header("Content-Encoding") String contentEncoding, @Header("Content-Type") String contentType, @Header("Content-Length") Integer contentLength, @Header("Accept") String accept, @Query("orgID") String orgID, @Query("precision") WritePrecision precision, @Query("consistency") WriteConsistency consistency)
      Write data Writes data to a bucket. To write data into InfluxDB, you need the following: - **organization name or ID** – _See [View organizations]( for instructions on viewing your organization ID._ - **bucket** – _See [View buckets]( for instructions on viewing your bucket ID._ - **API token** – _See [View tokens]( for instructions on viewing your API token._ - **InfluxDB URL** – _See [InfluxDB URLs]( - data in [line protocol]( format. InfluxDB Cloud enforces rate and size limits different from InfluxDB OSS. For details, see Responses. For more information and examples, see the following: - [Write data with the InfluxDB API]( - [Optimize writes to InfluxDB]( - [Troubleshoot issues writing data](
      org - Destination organization for writes. The database writes all points in the batch to this organization. If you provide both `orgID` and `org` parameters, `org` takes precedence. (required)
      bucket - Destination bucket for writes. (required)
      body - Data in line protocol format. (required)
      zapTraceSpan - OpenTracing span context (optional)
      contentEncoding - The value tells InfluxDB what compression is applied to the line protocol in the request payload. To make an API request with a GZIP payload, send `Content-Encoding: gzip` as a request header. (optional, default to identity)
      contentType - Format of the data in the request body. To make an API request with a line protocol payload, send `Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8` as a request header. (optional, default to text/plain; charset=utf-8)
      contentLength - Size of the entity-body, in bytes, sent to the database. If the length is greater than the database's `max body` configuration option, the server responds with status code `413`. (optional)
      accept - Content type that the client can understand. Writes only return a response body if they fail, e.g. due to a formatting problem or quota limit. #### InfluxDB Cloud - returns only `application/json` for format and limit errors. - returns only `text/html` for some quota limit errors. #### InfluxDB OSS - returns only `application/json` for format and limit errors. For more information about write errors, see how to [troubleshoot issues writing data]( (optional, default to application/json)
      orgID - ID of the destination organization for writes. If both `orgID` and `org` are specified, `org` takes precedence. (optional)
      precision - Precision for unix timestamps in the line protocol of the request payload. (optional, default to null)
      consistency - Sets the write consistency for the point. InfluxDB assumes that the write consistency is 'one' if you do not specify. Available with InfluxDB Enterprise clusters only. (optional, default to null)