Interface DeleteService

public interface DeleteService
  • Method Details

    • postDelete

      @Headers("Content-Type:application/json") @POST("api/v2/delete") retrofit2.Call<Void> postDelete(@Body DeletePredicateRequest deletePredicateRequest, @Header("Zap-Trace-Span") String zapTraceSpan, @Query("org") String org, @Query("bucket") String bucket, @Query("orgID") String orgID, @Query("bucketID") String bucketID)
      Delete data
      deletePredicateRequest - Deletes data from an InfluxDB bucket. (required)
      zapTraceSpan - OpenTracing span context (optional)
      org - Specifies the organization to delete data from. (optional)
      bucket - Specifies the bucket to delete data from. (optional)
      orgID - Specifies the organization ID of the resource. (optional)
      bucketID - Specifies the bucket ID to delete data from. (optional)