Interface QueryApi

@ThreadSafe public interface QueryApi
The client of the InfluxDB 2.x that implement Query HTTP API endpoint.
Jakub Bednar (bednar@github) (01/10/2018 12:17)
  • Method Details

    • query

      @Nonnull List<FluxTable> query(@Nonnull String query)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to List<FluxTable>.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large query results. Use query(String, String, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      List<FluxTable> which are matched the query
    • query

      @Nonnull List<FluxTable> query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to List<FluxTable>.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large query results. Use query(String, String, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      List<FluxTable> which are matched the query
    • query

      @Nonnull List<FluxTable> query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nullable Map<String,Object> params)
      Executes the Parameterized Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to List<FluxTable>. Query parameters currently are supported only in InfluxDB Cloud.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large query results. Use query(String, String, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable, Map) for large data streaming.

      Parameterized Flux queries support int, float, and string data types. To convert the supported data types into other Flux basic data types, use Flux type conversion functions.


       Instant yesterday =;
       QueryApi queryApi = client.getQueryApi();
       Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
       params.put("bucketParam", bucket);
       params.put("startParam", yesterday.toString());
       String parametrizedQuery = "from(bucket: params.bucketParam) |> range(start: time(v: params.startParam))";
       List<FluxTable> query = queryApi.query(parametrizedQuery, org, params);
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      params - the map of query parameters.
      List<FluxTable> which are matched the query
      See Also:
    • query

      @Nonnull List<FluxTable> query(@Nonnull Query query)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to List<FluxTable>.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large query results. Use query(String, String, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      List<FluxTable> which are matched the query
    • query

      @Nonnull List<FluxTable> query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull String org)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to List<FluxTable>.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large query results. Use query(String, String, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      List<FluxTable> which are matched the query
    • query

      @Nonnull <M> List<M> query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to list of object with given type.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large query results. Use query(String, String, Class, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      measurementType - the type of measurement
      List<T> which are matched the query
    • query

      @Nonnull <M> List<M> query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to list of object with given type.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large query results. Use query(String, String, Class, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      measurementType - the type of measurement
      List<T> which are matched the query
    • query

      <M> List<M> query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType, @Nullable Map<String,Object> params)
      Executes the Parameterized Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to list of object with given type.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large query results. Use query(String, String, Class, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      measurementType - the type of measurement
      params - the map of query parameters. See query(String, String, Map) for parameter usage.
      List<T> which are matched the query
    • query

      @Nonnull <M> List<M> query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to list of object with given type.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large query results. Use query(String, String, Class, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      measurementType - the type of measurement
      List<T> which are matched the query
    • query

      @Nonnull <M> List<M> query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to list of object with given type.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large query results. Use query(String, String, Class, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      measurementType - the type of measurement
      List<T> which are matched the query
    • query

      void query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,FluxRecord> onNext)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream FluxRecords to onNext consumer.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      onNext - the callback to consume the FluxRecord result with capability to discontinue a streaming query
    • query

      void query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,FluxRecord> onNext)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream FluxRecords to onNext consumer.
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      onNext - the callback to consume the FluxRecord result with capability to discontinue a streaming query
    • query

      void query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,FluxRecord> onNext)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream FluxRecords to onNext consumer.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      onNext - the callback to consume the FluxRecord result with capability to discontinue a streaming query
    • query

      void query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,FluxRecord> onNext)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream FluxRecords to onNext consumer.
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      onNext - the callback to consume the FluxRecord result with capability to discontinue a streaming query
    • query

      <M> void query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,M> onNext)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream POJO classes to onNext consumer.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      measurementType - the measurement type (POJO)
      onNext - the callback to consume the mapped Measurements with capability to discontinue a streaming query
    • query

      <M> void query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,M> onNext)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream POJO classes to onNext consumer.
      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      measurementType - the measurement type (POJO)
      onNext - the callback to consume the mapped Measurements with capability to discontinue a streaming query
    • query

      <M> void query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,M> onNext)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream POJO classes to onNext consumer.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      measurementType - the measurement type (POJO)
      onNext - the callback to consume the mapped Measurements with capability to discontinue a streaming query
    • query

      <M> void query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,M> onNext)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream POJO classes to onNext consumer.
      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      measurementType - the measurement type (POJO)
      onNext - the callback to consume the mapped Measurements with capability to discontinue a streaming query
    • query

      void query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,FluxRecord> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream FluxRecords to onNext consumer.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      onNext - the callback to consume FluxRecord result with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
    • query

      void query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,FluxRecord> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream FluxRecords to onNext consumer.
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      onNext - the callback to consume FluxRecord result with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
    • query

      void query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,FluxRecord> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream FluxRecords to onNext consumer.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      onNext - the callback to consume FluxRecord result with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
    • query

      void query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,FluxRecord> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream FluxRecords to onNext consumer.
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      onNext - the callback to consume FluxRecord result with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
    • query

      <M> void query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,M> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream POJO classes to onNext consumer.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      measurementType - the measurement type (POJO)
      onNext - the callback to consume POJO record with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
    • query

      <M> void query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,M> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream POJO classes to onNext consumer.
      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      measurementType - the measurement type (POJO)
      onNext - the callback to consume POJO record with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
    • query

      <M> void query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,M> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream POJO classes to onNext consumer.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      measurementType - the measurement type (POJO)
      onNext - the callback to consume POJO record with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
    • query

      <M> void query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,M> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream POJO classes to onNext consumer.
      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      measurementType - the measurement type (POJO)
      onNext - the callback to consume POJO record with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
    • query

      void query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,FluxRecord> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream FluxRecords to onNext consumer.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      onNext - the callback to consume FluxRecord result with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - the callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
    • query

      void query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,FluxRecord> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream FluxRecords to onNext consumer.
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      onNext - the callback to consume FluxRecord result with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - the callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
    • query

      void query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,FluxRecord> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete, @Nullable Map<String,Object> params)
      Executes the Parameterized Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream FluxRecords to onNext consumer.
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      onNext - the callback to consume FluxRecord result with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - the callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
      params - the map of query parameters, see query(String, String, Map) for parameter usage.
    • query

      void query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,FluxRecord> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream FluxRecords to onNext consumer.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      onNext - the callback to consume FluxRecord result with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - the callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
    • query

      void query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,FluxRecord> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream FluxRecords to onNext consumer.
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      onNext - the callback to consume FluxRecord result with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - the callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
    • query

      <M> void query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,M> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete)
      Executes the Flux query and asynchronously stream result as POJO.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      measurementType - the measurement type (POJO)
      onNext - the callback to consume POJO record with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - the callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
    • query

      <M> void query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,M> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete)
      Executes the Flux query and asynchronously stream result as POJO.
      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      measurementType - the measurement type (POJO)
      onNext - the callback to consume POJO record with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - the callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
    • query

      <M> void query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,M> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete, @Nullable Map<String,Object> params)
      Executes the Parameterized Flux query and asynchronously stream result as POJO.
      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      measurementType - the measurement type (POJO)
      onNext - the callback to consume POJO record with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - the callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
      params - the map of query parameters, See query(String, String, Map) for parameter usage.
    • query

      <M> void query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,M> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete)
      Executes the Flux query and asynchronously stream result as POJO.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      measurementType - the measurement type (POJO)
      onNext - the callback to consume POJO record with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - the callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
    • query

      <M> void query(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull Class<M> measurementType, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,M> onNext, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete)
      Executes the Flux query and asynchronously stream result as POJO.
      Type Parameters:
      M - the type of the measurement (POJO)
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      measurementType - the measurement type (POJO)
      onNext - the callback to consume POJO record with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - the callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - the callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
    • queryRaw

      @Nonnull String queryRaw(@Nonnull String query)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to String result.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large responses, that do not fit into memory. Use queryRaw(String, String, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      the raw response that matched the query
    • queryRaw

      @Nonnull String queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to String result.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large responses, that do not fit into memory. Use queryRaw(String, String, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      the raw response that matched the query
    • queryRaw

      @Nonnull String queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nullable Dialect dialect)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to String result.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large responses, that do not fit into memory. Use queryRaw(String, String, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      dialect - Dialect is an object defining the options to use when encoding the response. See dialect SPEC..
      the raw response that matched the query
    • queryRaw

      @Nonnull String queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nullable Dialect dialect, @Nonnull String org)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to String result.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large responses, that do not fit into memory. Use queryRaw(String, String, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      query - the flux query to execute
      dialect - Dialect is an object defining the options to use when encoding the response. See dialect SPEC..
      org - specifies the source organization
      the raw response that matched the query
    • queryRaw

      @Nonnull String queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nullable Dialect dialect, @Nonnull String org, @Nullable Map<String,Object> params)
      Executes the Parameterized Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to String result.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large responses, that do not fit into memory. Use queryRaw(String, String, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      query - the flux query to execute
      dialect - Dialect is an object defining the options to use when encoding the response. See dialect SPEC..
      org - specifies the source organization
      params - the map of query parameters, See query(String, String, Map) for parameter usage.
      the raw response that matched the query
    • queryRaw

      @Nonnull String queryRaw(@Nonnull Query query)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to String result.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large responses, that do not fit into memory. Use queryRaw(String, String, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      the raw response that matched the query
    • queryRaw

      @Nonnull String queryRaw(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull String org)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and synchronously map whole response to String result.

      NOTE: This method is not intended for large responses, that do not fit into memory. Use queryRaw(String, String, BiConsumer, Consumer, Runnable) for large data streaming.

      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      the raw response that matched the query
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      onResponse - callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      onResponse - callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      onResponse - callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      onResponse - callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nullable Dialect dialect, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      dialect - Dialect is an object defining the options to use when encoding the response. See dialect SPEC..
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nullable Dialect dialect, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.
      query - the flux query to execute
      dialect - Dialect is an object defining the options to use when encoding the response. See dialect SPEC..
      org - specifies the source organization
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - callback to consume any error notification
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - callback to consume any error notification
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nullable Map<String,Object> params)
      Executes the Parameterized Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - callback to consume any error notification
      params - the map of query parameters, See query(String, String, Map) for parameter usage.
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - callback to consume any error notification
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - callback to consume any error notification
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nullable Dialect dialect, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      dialect - Dialect is an object defining the options to use when encoding the response. See dialect SPEC..
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - callback to consume any error notification
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nullable Dialect dialect, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.
      query - the flux query to execute
      dialect - Dialect is an object defining the options to use when encoding the response. See dialect SPEC..
      org - specifies the source organization
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - callback to consume any error notification
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nullable Dialect dialect, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      dialect - Dialect is an object defining the options to use when encoding the response. See dialect SPEC..
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query The callback call contains the one line of the response.
      onError - callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nullable Dialect dialect, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.
      query - the flux query to execute
      dialect - Dialect is an object defining the options to use when encoding the response. See dialect SPEC..
      org - specifies the source organization
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query The callback call contains the one line of the response.
      onError - callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull String query, @Nullable Dialect dialect, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete, @Nullable Map<String,Object> params)
      Executes the Parameterized Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.
      query - the flux query to execute
      dialect - Dialect is an object defining the options to use when encoding the response. See dialect SPEC..
      org - specifies the source organization
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query The callback call contains the one line of the response.
      onError - callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
      params - the map of query parameters, See query(String, String, Map) for parameter usage.
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull String org, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.
      query - the flux query to execute
      org - specifies the source organization
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream
    • queryRaw

      void queryRaw(@Nonnull Query query, @Nonnull BiConsumer<Cancellable,String> onResponse, @Nonnull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @Nonnull Runnable onComplete)
      Executes the Flux query against the InfluxDB 2.x and asynchronously stream response (line by line) to onResponse.

      The InfluxDBClientOptions.getOrg() will be used as source organization.

      query - the flux query to execute
      onResponse - the callback to consume the response line by line with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onError - callback to consume any error notification
      onComplete - callback to consume a notification about successfully end of stream