All Classes and Interfaces
The exception is thrown if a HTTP 502 response code arrived - Bad Gateway.
The exception is thrown if a HTTP 400 response code arrived - Bad Request.
Asynchronous query that can be cancelled.
The annotation to customize bidirectional mapping between POJO and Flux query result or LineProtocol.
This interceptor closes connections that exceed a specified maximum lifetime age (TTL).
This class represents a column header specification of
.This class us used to construct FluxResult from CSV.
The error that occurs during execution Flux query.
A record is a tuple of values.
This class represents the table structure of the Flux CSV Response.
The exception is thrown if a HTTP 403 response code arrived - Forbidden.
The exception is thrown if an HTTP 504 response code arrived - Gateway Timeout.
The base type for Influx errors.
This class represents the result of an InfluxQL query.
Represents one result of an InfluxQL query.
Represents one series within the
of an InfluxQL query.A value extractor is used to convert the string value returned by query into a custom type.
The exception is thrown if a HTTP 500 response code arrived - Internal Server Error.
This enum represents REST client verbosity levels.
The annotation is used for mapping POJO class into line protocol.
The exception is thrown if a HTTP 405 response code arrived - Method Not Allowed.
The exception is thrown if a HTTP 406 response code arrived - Not Acceptable.
The exception is thrown if a HTTP 404 response code arrived - Not Found.
The exception is thrown if a HTTP 501 response code arrived - Not Implemented.
The exception is thrown if a HTTP 402 response code arrived - Payment Required.
The exception is thrown if a HTTP 407 response code arrived - Proxy Authentication Required.
The exception is thrown if a HTTP 413 response code arrived - Request Entity Too Large.
The exception is thrown if a HTTP 408 response code arrived - Request Timeout.
The exception is thrown if a HTTP 503 response code arrived - Service Unavailable.
The exception is thrown if a HTTP 401 response code arrived - Unauthorized.
Indicates that the server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity
is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions.